TASTE Delicious Food
- with inspiring flavors
- prepared by halal ingredients
- fit to every budget

ENJOY Quality Service
- by our responsive team
- with always a smiling face
- delivered quick but not in panic

FEEL Appealing Ambiance
- designed for a delightful experience
- with good company of friends and family
- raising your spirits
Our Journey
Our journey was sparked by a modest inception in Amsterdam in 2014. Today, it continues with our firm commitment to delivering exceptional food experiences. We are eager to grow by leveraging our successful and rewarding franchise system, and we will soon start operations at more locations.

December 2014
First HFC Restaurant in Amsterdam
March 2015
Registered trademark in Benelux

2015 -2017
New HFC Restaurants in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht
September 2018
First HFC Restaurant in Belgium

October 2018
Registered EU Trademark (EUTM)
September 2020
New concept launch

July 2021
First HFC Restaurant in Brussels

2022 – 2023
The number of HFC Restaurants doubled.
17 HFC Restaurants are operating.